Hedgebae Thoughts

Cuddle Deliveries

The Why

I'm naturally contrarian and hate being told what to do... except when I fall into a spiral of overthinking, and being given something to do helps me focus.

I also like helping and being useful and taking care of folx.

Why is tea serving considered a submissive act? What if it was a Domme ordering you to drink tea with honey so your throat will get better? But I digress. The list here isn't necessarily submissive.

Oh come on! It doesn't have to be deep or anything!

...Or, you know, this is just Shit I Like Doing. I try to be a little tongue-in-cheek here but I may have gone overboard. Whoops.

The Process

If I know you, a verbal or written request is enough. If I don't, well. Fix that first. (If we're already friends and/or more, you don't have to be so formal.) Requests can also be revoked at any time, by either party.

And as with any interaction, D/s or otherwise... respect goes both ways, yo. "No" means "No" and consent should be ongoing. Heed all hard limits. Basic things.


Said requests may be executed depending on comfort level, mood, closeness to requester, and whether a bribe with an iced dirty chai latte and being addressed as "Captain" is successful.

The List

I also enjoy putting all the things I like to do in a tidy little list. Here it is!

Known Quirks/Features/Bugs

Feedback is greatly appreciated for the calibration of bites, scritches, tackles, and physical contact of that sort!

Prone to Attacks of Shyness and could be slow to initialize.

Kisses have a tendency to short me out. :)


1. To Combat Touch-Starvingness (can overlap with the second category)

2. Potential Sensual/Sexy (can overlap with the first category, technically)

3. Fetch Quests & Chores ("Just Virgo Things" I enjoy doing) (...but if I'm cleaning your bathroom you may have to bribe me ;) )

4. Misc. Fun/Acts of Caring (Zombieland Rule #32: Enjoy the little things.)

Play This Upon My Arrival
