Hedgebae Thoughts

dolphin emoji

In an active Discord chat, there's a channel dedicated to silly kinky/sexy things. And someone posted this:

A feminine-presenting person in blue body paint, sexy red bodysuit, and a surprisingly realistic dolphin head to complete the costume. Above caption reads "Ur girl says she wants to do a role play and you come home to this… what u doin'?"

My immediate response, because picking up pop culture homages and references is my weakness, was this: We'll talk for hours about Bojack Horseman. Because of course I saw the resemblance:

Sextina Aquafina, from that show. She is a dolphin lady wearing a similar red top as the above meme

Not to mention, BRaAP BRaAP PEW PEW was stuck in my head for the rest of the day. (CONTENT WARNING: references to abortion, and satirically/over-the-top pro-abortion at that.)

But I got sidetracked, of course; it's one of those shows I can analyze and talk about all day. But eventually I came back around to the question at hand:

what u doin'?

And, honestly? I'm game. It's something potentially silly and potentially hot and confusingly arousing. And I really love getting weird with It. I might laugh too hard if they start making dolphin noises, tho.

And then my imagination ran wild. If I came home to my partner dressed as a sexy dolphin, what could we do, once we got over our first fit of giggles?

I thought about what I thought I knew about dolphins-- including remembering all the dark jokes and the oft-repeated trivia that dolphins don't consider consent. So my second thought was the more obvious: Consensual Non-Consent, where that scenario can play out in a safer setting. But, uh, turns out, that may not be true, upon further online reading. Urban legends could make great scenes, I suppose.

But it doesn't have to be CNC, of course. What first came to mind (and what I'm more sweet on) is a sort of Dolphin Domme / Human Sub, or flip it around for the dolphin to be in the subby Pet role.

Insert joke about putting the "water" in "watersports."

So. Yes, I put far too much thought into a silly little meme.

But now I want to try this.

Especially since Startide Rising is one of my favorite novels.

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