Hedgebae Thoughts

A Title (Returning to Fetlife)

I haven't been around much. When I do hop on here, it's to glance at my feed, then glance at local events, then make plans to go... and I forget to add it to my calendar. Or something better has come up. And I check messages when I get the email. I've tailored my newsfeed to be pretty Black and Queer-- my lil oasis-- so when I remember to I'll scroll for a bit, Love some things, catch up on the latest FetLife Clusterfuck (That Wolf guy is back!? UGH).

Being the first day of Black History Month, I've decided to actually do a post. :)

Where have I been, then?

Where everyone else goes to scratch their online social itch these days: Discord. I've found a few kink-centric servers and camp out in there. I even go to and host munches sometimes.

Why am I back?

My profile needs an update. A partner was revamping theirs and I got the urge. I should stick around a bit more.

I really want to start going to events again. I've missed the munches and play parties. I miss watching. I miss snacking on things with like-minded people who won't think I'm weird for wearing cat ears and a collar.

GYWO 2024

I'm doing the Get Your Words Out thing this year and I thought-- I haven't written about kinky/sexy stuff in a long time. I should try. But what on earth am I gonna write about? Should I post smut? Chronicle my sexytimes (with the appropriate permissions/vagueness)? Will I have the nerve? Who's gonna gas me up!?

"TroutSlap" (IYKYK) will be getting a revamp of some sort.

And I've toyed with the idea of a hedgebae blog off Fetlife.
EDIT: you're here! Hello!

The Kink Stuff

So. For the longest time I've been a "figuring it all out" kind of mindset. A lot of question marks and questing. I think I got a better handle on what I like, besides a vague "eh that i guess."

Definitely love being sensual. Absolutely a hedonist. I like being called "Pet," and please Toy with me.

Hedgehog, but you knew that. Currently sketching out my fursona (I admit it, finally! haha!) but that's more in general and not strictly kinky.

I'd like to expand my horizons too. It has been a minute since I've been curious about a specific kink-- something was mentioned and it actually got a near immediate "Sounds fun, I'm down." (Reminder: update my "Curious About" list.) EDIT: I posted too fast, and forgot to mention, wanna try some stuff to the left of the slash. Theoretically I feel I'm a switch, so I'd like to explore that more.

I've itches I need to scratch. Cuddle puddles are great (and necessary! Touch is so important to me!), but I haven't done a group setting of the explicitly sexy sort in awhile. And I keep having sex outdoors. I definitely want more of that. And more spankings.

My junk still makes the Windows Shutdown Noise whenever I'm assumed/assigned a gender. So uh, don't be doing that.

Straight people are still exhausting.

And that's all I got (for now).

So it's been awhile. Hi! How have you been?

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