Hedgebae Thoughts

About Me

Sulu smiling as he pulls Uhura toward him.

Sulu: "I'll protect you, fair maiden!"

Uhura: "Sorry, neither."

Star Trek

An almost-40 year old kinkster exploring what I like and how I play, as well as process how I navigate the kink scene as a Black non-binary person.

I enjoy being pampered as a pet and indulge in hedonistic activities. I like trying new things (sometimes twice, just to be sure), and evolving, and having fun while doing so.

Currently embracing being a Switch: how to be a better sub, and stepping into my power as a Dom(me).

Yes, I am very political. I don't have the option or the privilege to not be so.

What's in the Name

Hedgehog because I like them. They may be prickly, but they're always cute. Not the most sexy, glamorous, powerful or whatever, but I find them relatable.

Bae is an AAVE term of endearment.